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My Omnivore—Obsidian Setup

·222 words·2 mins

Omnivore is a read-later app that integrates well with Obsidian through the Omnivore plugin. Here’s how I have it set up.

Plugin Settings


I’ll get to why I use these frontmatter keys later, for now each note gets imported with these properties (plus the necessary id property)

Image 1

Article Template

Nothing too crazy.

Image 2

Date Format

Consistent with other plugins and notes in my vault: YYYY-MM-DD @ h:mm a


  • Filter: Sync all items
  • Sync on startup: enabled
  • Filename: {{title}}
  • Highlight order: the location of highlights in the article


About those frontmatter properties…

A Dataview query on my dashboard shows all Omnivore notes with the INBOX or READING state, the filename => article’s title, and a link to read the article in Omnivore.

It doesn’t get better than that, as every time I open up the dashboard, I glance at what projects, adventures, or misadventures I should spend the next few hours on.

Here’s what that looks like:

Image 3

Dataview query:

TABLE without id AS articles, state, omnivore_url, date_read AS timestamp
FROM "60 Resources/omnivore"
WHERE contains(state, "INBOX") OR contains(state, "READING")

To aid the review of these articles, I have another Dataview query to show notes (i.e., articles) with the summary property.

TABLE summary, state
FROM "60 Resources/omnivore"
WHERE summary